Our fixed price repairs service helps you control the cost and quality of repairs by using our competitively procured contractors.
Larger projects are put through a competitive tender process and will be evaluated for cost and quality by our professional team.
Revolutionising the way we carry out repairs and improvements projects in our homes

Why Compare & Build..
With over 50 years of commercial experience working in the Housing Maintenance sector, we know there’s a better way of carrying out Home Repairs and Improvement works. In partnership with you, we establish the steps required for you to meet your ambitions, providing technical and professional front-end advice that helps you plan, design and deliver your objectives. Using our service allows you to work smarter through an Intelligent set of Connected Tools which help you develop and manage your project faster and more accurately. Our fully integrated approach to projects allows us to eliminate risk at every opportunity and maximise the efficient delivery of a projects saving you time and money.

How it works..
Reporting a Repair
1. Post Your Repair
Click the ‘report a repair’ button and provide a brief description about your repair and when you would like the repair to be undertaken.
2. Repair Quotation
We will review your repair and send you a detailed quotation for you to agree.
3. Undertake Repair
Our qualified contractor will arrive to carry out your repair as described in your quotation.
Home Improvement Quote
1. Post Your Project
Click the ‘Home Improvement Quote’ button and provide a brief description about your project.
2. Project Review
We will call you to discuss your project and produce a professional project specification for you to agree.
3. Select Your Contractor
We will competitively tender your project via our framework of approved contractors, evaluate the quotations and provide you with our professional recommendation. You simply review our evaluation and select the contractor you want.

4. Project Award
We send you all the project documents, agreements, and contract through our customer portal and all you need to do now is wait for your project to begin.

This is the Future..
Compare & Build is a free service that truly provides value for money for our customers that eradicates the inefficient way we currently carry out home repairs and improvement projects. Unlike our competitors, we do not operate as a glorified yellow pages - selling off your job leads to contractors, then leaving you to it.
We oversee the whole process, providing you with technical and professional front-end advice, competitively tender and evaluate quotations and be by your side through the life of your project. Smarter projects do not just happen, the best projects start with clear strategic thinking ahead of pushing the button on a transaction.

Hire with confidence...
Often, Hiring a Contractor can be a daunting prospect, Compare & Build was created to be the bridge between you and the contractor. You'll never be left in the dark with us, we will provide regular updates and oversee the whole process, to ensure you hire the right contractor for your project